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Case Management & IPR Strategy Review

For clients who deal with a great number of IPR protection cases, Harvesting helps clients to set up a database of infringer blacklist and collect kinds of valid information for the convenience of clients’ necessary comparison and follow-up on the relationship of different infringers other than the handling of specific cases. Meanwhile, Harvesting keeps an active communication with the clients, regularly reviews IPR protection ways in the forms of monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual report and seeks continuous improvement, aiming to develop more efficient and economic strategies for clients and achieve more favorable results.

In addition, Harvesting helps some clients in case-management, for instance, managing the other investigation companies for clients. With the previous working experience in brand companies and the mature experience of brand management, a part of Harvesting’s senior attorneys can develop a more befitting brand management policy for clients and can provide trademark protection outsourcing and trusted services if clients have such need.


Guangdong Harvesting Law Firm | Harvesting Intellectual Property Consultant Co., Ltd.

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